Me :D

Robert Davies

Full Stack Web Developer

Travelling Nerd who likes to build websites!


What Can I Do For You?

Thank you for taking an interest in what I can do for you. Below you will be able to see more about the skills I have and how it can help you. If you have any questions/comments, please let me know by contacting me here

Web Design

This is where someone (like me) would come up with the look and feel of your website. Everything you are currently looking at had to be designed in some way or form. Having skills in web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, Javascript I can do exactly that for you. I can design the perfect website for you that is not only clean and simple to use also mobile ready. All of the designs I make will be coded using the latest and greatest of standards (from the W3C) so you can feel comfortable knowing that it will work on all of your devices.

Email Design

Similar to Web Design, Email Design means that I can design an email template for you (That follows your existing branding or a completely new theme) and then code that into an efficient email campaign using HTML & CSS. All of my email templates are mobile ready and can easily be edited by you (Or me if you so wish)

Web Development

This is where websites get interesting and interactive with you. You need an website app to do a certain task (like project tracking or inventory management system) then I can use web technologies such as Python to do this. I can make a custom web application that is fully interactive with as much (or little) as you need. All you need to do is contact me with a simple specification of what you want how you want it an I'll do the rest hassle free. Contact me for more information.


Already got a design made from somewhere? No sweat. Send me the design and I will be able to convert that into a web page for you without any hassle. Do you have your own CMS system in place then no worries either, I will provide a template for that as well with no extra charges what so ever.

Website Support & Management

Need someone to look after your website? Got a ton of updates that need to be done and you just don’t have the time? Well I will be able to do all of that for you so you can focus on what you do best.. Running your business. Once you have subscribed and you have sent us details on how to access your website, we can start making changes straight away for you, either its simple text changes to simple design changes. Please note that as a general rule, anything that takes over an hour to complete will be charged separately. Please contact me for more information and get your bespoke price plan today.